“mas, bisa jemput kami nggak?”
“di mana?”
“di kutoarjo”
“iya di kutoarjo. pake mobilnya lintang. bisa?”
“ehm… boleh…”
“oke, thanks ya”
“mas, bisa jemput kami nggak?”
“di mana?”
“di kutoarjo”
“iya di kutoarjo. pake mobilnya lintang. bisa?”
“ehm… boleh…”
“oke, thanks ya”
day 1
16:30 – kumpul di rumah agung. cek perbekalan, cek mobil, cek bensin, cek personel… bla bla bla…
17:30 – berangkat!!!
19:00 – tiba di SMU St. Yosep Solo
19:30 – on stage
19:50 – off stage
20:00 – ngobrol di transit room
21:15 – makan di kotabarat setelah puter-puter ga karuan. lauk: bebek goreng + nasi liwet (emangnya nasi yang lain gak diliwet ya?)
22:30 – tiba di rumah buliknya lintang
24:00 – bobo’ malem
day 2
9:00 – berangkat dari rumah buliknya lintang
9:30 – tiba di solo grand mall, masih tutup ^_^, puter-puter dulu ke kraton solo
10:15 – akhirnya bisa masuk ke solo grand mall
11:45 – masuk ke solo square
13:150 – keluar dari solo square, debat mau makan di mana…
15:00 – tiba di yogyakarta, masih bingung mau makan di mana…
15:45 – akhirnya makan di warung special sambel, pogung
17:00 – akhirnya sampe di rumah lagi… tidurrr!!!
"What’s wrong with falling down? You can always stand up again. If you
look up at the blue sky after falling down, it is stretching endlessly
and limitlessly, and it smiles at me .. I’m alive." — Kitou Aya
here’s something i find quite beautiful:
[a tiny flower is blooming inside my heart
the unwithering flower you gave to me
i don’t fear the things i believe in anymore
because i have become strong
i am lucky to have met you
i was proud holding your hand
even though we look up at different skies now
see… i can walk by myself]
taken from http://diesta_maya.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/
is this about goodbyes? a bit sad, but nevertheless comforting.
a week ago an old friend of mine contacted me. she wanted to know if i could help her on her thesis. she’s supposed to craft some kind of program to graph and analyze some digital signal processing technique. since i am not a C-course (signal systems and electronics) student and had no knowledge whatsoever about digital signal processing, i was immediately interested (what the…?!). so i invited her to come over to my place to talk a few things over.
she wanted to build the application on delphi, and i think she is just about as anxious to get the job done as i am. she bought a book on basic deplhi programming. unfortunately i have no experience about delphi. i couldn’t even get the main form to show up! so i talked her into visual basic 6.0. now this is a programming language i am very familiar with. well, at least i had completed several homeworks using this language.
so, on a saturday morning, after a full night without sleep in the internet cafe, i had my girlfriend pick me up. then, at home, i sat down with this old friend and we started exchanging ideas. i always wanted to do an application that includes graphing, and i think now’s my chance. she walked me through the equations and we worked out an algorithm. unfortunately, i lacked enough sensitivity to let her in on what i was typing on the visual basic IDE. well, at least the darn thing compiled OK, and we tested it a couple of times. she then copied the prototype and said “i’ll show this to my teachers and i’ll let you know what they have to say about it”. i think that means that if the teachers are okay with the prototype, she can go ahead and really start studying visual basic and develop a real application.
programming something scientific was something new to me, as i spent most of my time developing database-centric applications. as i was also a greenhorn in the world of desktop programming, this opportunity allows me to acquire new knowledge. the bottom line is, i think i’m not doing this for her, i’m doing it for myself.
today i finished the first – and very unreliable – class, containing calculations for the BPSK mode (whatever that is). i basically cut the calculation procedure from last week’s prototype and retrofitted it into a class. i wanted to finish the class – at least until it can validate its own data – but i had a job to go to.
i plan to put some other functionalities in the class, such as calculating PAPR, and other signal attributes. i also intend to build two more classes that will provide support for QPSK and nQAM modes.
let’s start!
apa itu linux virtual server???
aku pun bertanya-tanya…
mari kita cari informasi:
butuh niiii bwat kp!!!